EH Smith Builders Merchants Ltd has been awarded its 10th Gold Medal in a row at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Awards, recognising the firm’s outstanding commitment to occupational health and safety. In honour of this achievement, EH Smith also received the prestigious President’s Award.
The RoSPA Awards scheme, which is open to businesses and organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas, considers entrants’ overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement. The awards are now in their 61st year.
Greg Crofts, EH Smith’s Health, Safety and Compliance Manager said: “Receiving the President’s award for achieving a gold standard in health and safety for 10 years running is a magnificent achievement by the whole of the EH Smith team. However we won’t be resting on our laurels as we continually strive to improve. Our aim is to gain the RoSPA Order of distinction, the highest possible recognition of a company’s commitment to health and safety. It will take us a few more years yet, but it would be a superb achievement for us and would put us alongside major brands like Esso, Rolls Royce and 3M. ”
Julia Small, RoSPA’s Head of Awards and Events, added: “The RoSPA Awards are the most prestigious in the world of occupational health and safety, and held in high regard around the world, as winning one demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to maintaining an excellent health and safety record. Achieving the standard required is no mean feat.”
The majority of awards are non-competitive and mark achievement at merit, bronze, silver and gold levels. Gold medals, president’s awards and orders of distinction are presented to organisations sustaining the high standards of the gold level over consecutive years.