Now part of the Hultafors Group’s PPE portfolio, EMMA Safety Footwear is a fully EU accredited range of excellent values shoes and boots that satisfy a wide range of user needs and workplaces – including light and heavy industry sectors plus office and retail environments.
Complementing the Solid Gear and Toe Guard range, EMMA safety footwear includes all the Hultafors Group hallmarks of hi-tech designs that combine top quality materials for ultimate comfort, maximum safety and wellbeing at work.
What’s more, if sustainability is a priority for you and your company, every product in the EMMA range is made entirely from recycled or recyclable materials. It’s a 100% ‘circular’ manufacturing, usage and recycling process for every shoe and boot produced under the EMMA brand.
However, the brand is more than just a range of safety shoes and boots, and will be introducing a programme through merchants of recycling old safety shoes when new ones are bought.
For the catalogue, click here: https://issuu.com/emmasafetyfootwear/docs/emma_catalogue_2020_web_en?fr=sM2I1NTMwMjA3Mw