The first Grand Prize winner of Ibstock Brick’s Tradesman competition has been announced – and the lucky winner is a Hampshire-based home improvements company.
Surefix Home Improvements purchased its winning pack of Tradesman bricks from Jewson’s Denmead branch in August. And as the seller of the winning pack of bricks, Jewson’s Denmead branch has also been rewarded with £500 worth of ‘Buyagift’ vouchers.
The success and popularity of the competition has led Ibstock Brick to extend the promotion to the end of 2017, giving even more people the chance to win a trip of a lifetime. Every pack of Tradesman bricks purchased provides the opportunity to enter the Grand Prize draw, with the winner receiving £2,000 worth of holiday vouchers from Exodus Travels.
Andy Blackroom, owner of Surefix Home Improvements, commented: “It’s very exciting to have won Ibstock Brick’s Tradesman competition. We’ve been using Ibstock’s products for nearly 30 years, and we purchased the winning bricks for a conservatory we were working on. We’re going to run a lottery giving our staff the chance to win the holiday vouchers. This will not only mean a lot to them, but they are the people who deserve it.”
Nigel Hanlon, Branch Manager at Jewson’s Denmead branch, commented: “This promotion has strengthened the relationship through the supply chain to the end user. It has raised awareness of the options and solutions available from Ibstock Brick to our customers for all their building needs. It’s been great to work with the team at, in particular our Account Manager Scott McGregor. They are always so committed to providing guidance and support across the whole product range.”
With the competition now extended, there will be another Grand Prize draw winner chosen at random at the end of the year. Each month, three people will also win £100 worth of ‘Buyagift’ vouchers.
Sarah Holey, the manufacturer’s Market Manager, commented: “We’d like to offer our congratulations to Surefix Home Improvements as the first Grand Prize winner of our Tradesman competition. The company purchased just two packs of Tradesman bricks in August proving you have to be ‘in it to win it’. We’re delighted to be extending the competition to the end of 2017 – the more packs you buy, the higher your chances of winning.”
To enter the Tradesman competition, send proof of purchase between 1st June – 31st December 2017 by email (tradesman@ibstock.co.uk), fax (0844 800 4876) or post (FAO Marketing, Ibstock Brick, Leicester Road, Ibstock, LE67 6HS). Entries must be received by Friday January 5 2018.