With a variety of products catering to a host of different landscaping solutions, Natural Paving Products (UK) Ltd has created the Talasey Group corporate entity under which Natural Paving and all of its sub brands now sit.
Since its launch in 2004, Natural Paving has become a leading independent supplier of ethically sourced, natural stone landscaping products. As the business grew Natural Paving has continually diversified its range of products so that it now offers a broad and high quality range available with full UK coverage as well as activities in the USA and Europe.
“The company’s strict Merchant Only Policy remains firmly in place ensuring stable market dynamics are upheld.”
Many of these landscaping solutions that have been added to the company’s portfolio over the years are not made from natural stone and therefore the company believes it no longer made sense to retain Natural Paving as the company name. An overarching corporate name, Talasey Group, has been created as a better fit to house all of the brands that previously fell under the Natural Paving umbrella.
The Talasey Group now fully encapsulates the company’s complete range of products and solutions incorporating Natural Paving, Vitripiazza Italian porcelain vitrified flagstones, Baksteen Dutch clay pavers, Luxigraze artificial grass and accessories and Pavetuf, stone installation cleaning and maintenance products and new Resiscape resin-bound aggregates.
Malcolm Gough, Group Sales and Marketing Director at Talasey Group (formerly Natural Paving), said: “The creation of the Talasey Group corporate entity is an exciting milestone for us. We see it as a natural progression thanks to the success we have had in introducing new landscaping products to our portfolio. We now cover more than natural stone in our range of landscaping solutions and so it made sense to create a corporate identity to fully encompass our complete broad offering. Natural Paving now sits under the Talasey Group name alongside the other landscaping products within our portfolio.”
Natural Paving’s commitment to excellent service will run across the entire Talasey Group. The company asserts it will continue to offer comprehensive technical support through a team of dedicated specialists in each product area as well as its team of Regional Sales Managers, internal sales support and newly expanded customer service team.
“We are very excited about this natural evolution as it is testament to our continued growth and development and our success story of delivering high quality products and excellent service. Everything else is business as usual for us. We continue our commitment to responsible trading with our fully CE marked products and active membership of the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI), as we support and invest heavily in our supply chain and the people that work in it,” Malcolm continued.
The company’s strict Merchant Only Policy remains firmly in place ensuring stable market dynamics are upheld.
In line with the addition of the Talasey Group name, the Natural Paving head office in Doncaster has been renamed Talasey House.
For more information, visit: www.talasey.co.uk