The Rainy Day Trust CEO Bryan Clover put out an appeal recently for businesses in the home improvement industry to donate lots for a special 12 days of Christmas auction.
“For the majority of people, Christmas is a time of fun and giving,” said Bryan, “but for many it is a different picture altogether. We can be there for them, giving direct help or advice and information on how to cope. But the Christmas support doesn’t come free so something like the auction will generate essential funds.”
The Rainy Day Trust 12 Days of Christmas Auction started on Sunday 1 December. Each day a new auction lot is added in a silent auction. “You can do your Christmas shopping and support your industry charity all at the same time!” says Bryan.
There will be auction lots of all shapes and sizes, from a Santa Cookie Jar with cookies, a box of beer glasses and beer selection, Gin glasses and gin, a gas BBQ, right through to a week away in a holiday home in Pembrokeshire. Winning bidders will be notified the next day if the reserve is reached, and if not, that auction lot will carry forward until won.
All of the lots are posted each day on the Rainy Day Trust Twitter and Facebook feeds, so follow to make sure that you and your customers don’t miss out on that bargain gift.
Lots have been donated by businesses including Calor, The DRH Collection and Dexam. Bidders need to be over 18. Send an e-mail with the lot number and the amount of the bid to bryan@rainydaytrust.org.uk.