Rowlinson Timber has announced that due to growth over the last few years, it will open a main distribution hub in the South East of the country.
From 1 January 2019 the main operations for the company will be based from the Port of Sheerness, working in collaboration with Peel Ports.
Darren Hill, Sales Director at Rowlinson Timber, commented: “Due to our continued successful growth we have been experiencing nationally, the decision to open a distribution port in the South East was a natural progression for the company.
“Having our main distribution port in Sheerness will help to enhance the already excellent service to our southern based customers, whilst providing a quicker response for local merchants. With the help and professionalism of Peel Ports to manage our operations, we feel that a solid long-term partnership will develop, and can then only benefit all of our existing and future customer base.”
Richard Smith, Managing Director, added: “Sheerness is the perfect location to service our southern based customers with the site consisting of over 400 acres, and a constant 11m of water on all its berths. The potential for further growth with existing and new customers makes for a very exciting new chapter in the continued expansion of Rowlinson Timber.”
Rowlinson Timber has also confirmed that alongside the new port operation in Sheerness and in conjunction with Peel Ports, its own high-pressure timber treatment facility will operate from the port.
The 28m plant, which is supported by Lonza Wood Protection, will be equipped with the latest technology to ensure all timber products are pressure preservative treated in compliance with the use class specifications defined in EN335:2013 and to meet the requirements of BS 8417.
Lonza’s latest generation TANALITH Wood preservative, incorporating award winning BARamine application technologies, will further provide protection results for the company’s timbers and has full Biocidal Products Regulation approval.
The treatment plant will showcase a large annual cubic metre volume capacity which Rowlinson Timber is confident will attract vital services for Third Party Customers as well as maintaining its own landed stock requirements across its complete product range.
Along with the new port operations at Sheerness, Rowlinson Timber will continue to manage its northern hub from P.D Ports, Groveport in North East Lincolnshire.
Geoff Lippitt, Group Business Development Director at PD Ports, concluded: “We are pleased to be continuing our long term and much-valued relationship with Rowlinson Timber as port of choice to serve their northern markets from our operations at Groveport. This latest move to provide better geographical coverage for Rowlinson’s southern customers will undoubtedly further strengthen and enhance the existing first-class services provided.”