The Simon Acres Group has released an informative film designed to promote the benefits of the Foundation Degree in Kitchen Design at Bucks University. The film includes interviews with students, tutors and staff, who share their views on the benefits of the innovative blend of theory and practical training the degree offers.
“I wanted to make this film as I am passionate about training and education,” says Principal Director Simon Acres.
“Traditionally, our industry has not had very clear paths for training and education. This course sets new standards by providing a recognised route to a professional qualification that benefits designers and employers.
“It is a blended learning course that caters for people working in the industry, so is suitable for designers at every stage of their career, from new entrants to those already working as a designer.
“I have seen first-hand how much students gain from the course, as the Simon Acres Group has provided student Andrea Williams, with a financial contribution towards the second year of her course.
“I hope that by making and sharing this film, we can encourage others to enhance their qualifications with a degree from Bucks University.
“If we could also inspire more kitchen companies to become more involved with The Kitchen Education Trust (TKET) in supporting the course, then we would be making a significant contribution to equipping the industry with the necessary skills for the future.”
Craig Matson Managing Director at Roundhouse Design adds, “This is a great film to increase awareness about the Foundation Degree in Kitchen Design. The enthusiasm for the course is evident from all those that take part. It illustrates how students can become more informed and creative, with better design skills, product knowledge, and understanding of the kitchen industry.”