Starrett, is preparing to take its product demonstration van on another tour of distributors, wholesalers and apprenticeship providers across the UK and throughout Europe.
Starrett’s demo van has been visiting the facilities of trade distributors, wholesalers and colleges across the country since 2004, exhibiting its power tool accessories to staff, tradespeople and apprentices. In preparation for its 2018 calendar, Starrett’s Technical Support team are welcoming requests from merchants for visits from the demo van.
During the demo van visits, the technical team will provide product demonstrations and staff training on the company’s large range of hole saws, jigsaw blades and other popular power tool accessories.
The visits also provide an opportunity for tradespeople to test the company’s products for themselves and ask any questions they may have about Starrett’s range, directly to the company’s experienced technical team. The demo van is regularly invited to attend calibration days at electrical distributors and various trade days held by distributors throughout the country.
The technical support team are also receiving an increasing amount of requests for college visits. Here, the team showcase Starrett products, providing a presentation and live demonstrations to students while also giving them a chance to win a few product prizes to take away on the day.
“Starrett is already a reliable and renowned industry name,” explained Graham Munro, Technical Support Team Leader at Starrett. “However, our goal isn’t just to sell products. Our distributor trade days and demo van visits provide a hands-on opportunity for customers to test out our equipment and ask any questions. For us, it ensures customers are making the most of their tool investments and choosing the right equipment for their application.”
Upcoming demo van visits are listed on the Starrett website.