Symphony Group backs Purple Tuesday

Symphony Group backs Purple Tuesday

Symphony Group recently backed Purple Tuesday, which took place earlier this week – an initiative designed to change the customer experience for disabled patrons.

Purple Tuesday aims to become an international call to action for all organisations of all sizes and across all sectors to identify areas that can be improved for their disabled customers.

Leanne Broadhead, Freedom Brand Manager for Symphony, says: “As a company, we are backing Purple Tuesday, which is a day in November dedicated to raising the awareness of the requirements of disabled consumers and encouraging businesses to be as accessible as possible.

Symphony encouraged all its retailers, and all those in the industry, to get behind this great initiative. It’s easy to get involved by pledging to make a commitment to identify areas that can be improved for disabled customers.”

Mike Adams OBE, CEO of Purple, says, “We are delighted to have Symphony participate in Purple Tuesday. Like many industries, the property market is an area in which more improvements are required to meet the needs of disabled customers.

This is a fantastic opportunity for Symphony and for their network of like-minded organisations to participate with, enabling them to tap into the £249 billion untapped Purple Pound across the UK. I encourage you all to join us on this disability journey and take your own steps to improve the customer experience for your disabled customers.”

Around 1 in 5 people have a disability and of those people, 80% have a hidden disability, whether this be dyslexia, a mental health condition or a mild to moderate learning difficulty. This means that on average 20% of customers are likely to have a disability and many of those people will need additional customer care.Purple Tuesday is organised by Purple, a disability organisation which aims to support businesses to develop their products and services for disabled people. Purple Tuesday is a call to action to organisations like us to better understand the needs of our disabled customers and to put in place the right solutions.

Last year saw the launch of Freedom, a brand-new range of multigenerational and accessible kitchens that offer stylish solutions that include clever accessible design features. Symphony also supplied all its Freedom retailers with a merchandise pack to help them promote Purple Tuesday.

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