David Hopkins, CEO of the TTF has released the following statement regarding the recent outbreak of COVID-19:
As you will be aware, the Government has now stepped up its advice regarding business and personal conduct during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Businesses have been told that staff should work from home where possible, and to avoid unnecessary social contact.
However, they have not compelled business to close, and have not offered advice to those firms where working from home is not an option.
This confusion is having an adverse impact on businesses throughout the country and many of you have already been in touch to complain about the lack of clarity from Government.
In addition, many members have raised questions about the free movement of goods during this period.
So, last week the TTF created a COVID-19 web page, which will be regularly updated, with links to official advice and guidance. The page can be found here: https://ttf.co.uk/covid-19/
This includes links to the Government’s “Support for Business” site.
In addition, TTF has written to all ports and logistics members to get updates from each on issues affecting the free movement of goods and will be updating all members accordingly. Most feedback has been of the view that, while precautionary measures are in place, everyone is still very much open for business.
We are also in discussion with BEIS, Dept for Transport, HMRC and Dept for International Trade about what support packages are available, and to ensure our members get the latest guidance.
We have created a survey to capture feedback on impacts on members’ businesses. It is important that we get as many responses as possible to increase our chances of successful lobbying for support for our members. You can fill in the survey via the link above.
Finally, we have also created an open discussion page on LinkedIn where you can update the membership on the impacts within the market and upon your business.
And, lastly, the impact of the coronavirus is also impacting business activity within the TTF. We have had to cancel all committee meetings and dinners across the country until further notice, and as of 5pm Tuesday the Building Centre is closed to the public, and the TTF team is having to work from home to avoid travel into central London.
However, we remain very much open for business. The TTF will be contactable via email and/ or phone as per usual and will remain in contact. We will be conducting meetings via conference calls where possible, and investing in webinar software for seminars.
I realise from conversation with members that after the events of 2019 – with Brexit stock piling and currency fluctuations, followed by a slow winter and extreme floods – another economic disruption is the last thing that any member needs. Therefore, if there is anything TTF can do to help during this time, do not hesitate to get in touch.