The Celotex ‘Insulating Scotland’ roadshow may have now come to an end but the insulation specialist believes that its pink campervan has made a significant impact on Scottish construction industry professionals.
On 28th September, the campervan branded in Celotex pink and carrying a team of insulation specialists headed to Scotland to spread the word of products and services that can assist compliance to new Scottish Building Regulations. Throughout the two-week campaign, Celotex delivered a series of technical clinics at venues across the beautiful Scottish landscape and visited customers along the way.
“Our Insulating Scotland campaign provided industry professionals across Scotland with easy access to everything they need to know about the new Section 6 Building Regulations,” said Paul Evans, Head of Marketing at Celotex. “We hosted a series of CPDs which provided specific information on the Scottish market – something that was greatly appreciated by attendees.
“Feedback has been very positive from architects, local building authorities and our trade partners who all found the roadshow extremely useful. With further reductions in CO2 emissions required for Scotland, our product and service solutions will help to simplify compliance to these new levels.”
For more information, visit insulatingbritain.celotex.co.uk