Go Trade Local is a free to use tool for Tradespeople & DIYers all over the UK which allows them to choose from over 360 products & categories and find their most local Tool & Plant Hire depots, Builders Merchants & Skip Hire companies.
Without knowing what’s available or who to use, tradespeople across the UK can use Go Trade Local to source all the materials & products they need within their local place of work, saving them the headache of spending time trawling the web or making multiple phone calls to find relevant companies and prices.
From working on a building site in St. Andrews to Home DIY in St. Ives, Go Trade Local connects customers directly with their relevant local business and unlike many existing online websites, operates on the basis of “loyal to local” and displays to the customer the most local business first.
Martin Ainscough CBE DL, formerly of Ainscough Crane Hire & young entrepreneur Harry Longworth (Co-Founders of the company) set out to reshape the Construction Industry into being more environmentally friendly. The team encourages customers where possible to collect their goods or use the most local branch or depot, in a bid to reduce carbon emissions as well as save money.
“The mission we have for our partners and their businesses is clear! We want to generate new leads for you and increase your profits by encouraging Go Trade users to spend their money with a local branch & business. In turn this helps to strengthen their local economy,” said Martin.
Trading locally has never been more important, given the impact of the pandemic on our communities and businesses; supporting and promoting local is vital to enable effective economic recovery.
All merchants across the UK can start their three-month free trial once they have created a profile in the sign-up area for one location. The structure is built on an affordable fair for all basis and with three packages available: Bronze, Silver and Gold.
If a merchant has multiple depots, it is suggested that it contacts Go Trade Local in order to arrange a bespoke, discounted package.
To find out more, head to gotradelocal.co.uk