Travis Perkins has teamed up with Let’s Get Healthy to create a three-year, tailored and holistic approach to safety at work, that goes beyond the traditional, as it recognises the emotional and mental health of its employees is critical to their overall wellbeing and safety at work.
Each organisation has its own unique set of health and wellbeing needs; due to a higher proportion of colleagues working in a warehouse at Travis Perkins, the solutions have been tailored to ensure more energy, agility and mental wellbeing for colleagues in its supply chain.
Employees are able to complete a short online lifestyle questionnaire from anywhere and on any device, to become aware that a few simple lifestyle changes may help them improve their energy levels. Led by front line managers everybody is invited to have a free and confidential health check. Already launched in four sites, over 60% of employees have completed the questionnaire and all slots across all shifts have been allocated for health checks.
Let’s Get Healthy and Travis Perkins recognise how debilitating aches and pains brought on by manual labour can be, so a 30 minute experiential Body Works workshop has been tailored to ensure employees have enough knowledge to self-manage aches and pains so they don’t cease up after work or at work.
Travis Perkins is leading the way as an employer and recognises the role that mental health plays and the negative impact it can have on an employee’s ability to carry out their role. Therefore, Let’s Get Healthy has tailored a one day training called Mind Matters to ensure the line managers (who are often an employee’s first point of contact when they are struggling at work) are fully equipped to spot the signs and have confident and great conversations with their teams.
For any wellbeing campaign to be successful, it must be engaging and have a strong sense of identity. With this approach, employees are fully aware that health and wellbeing is here to keep Travis Perkins on the up so that they can ‘Thrive’.
A new health and wellbeing brand was designed and used on all promotional material to drive employees to the Thrive website. This is where employees can discover more information about the programme and book themselves on to the various sessions within their site. The website also has a blog, which has articles, downloadable toolkits and factsheets which are branded and tailored to all employees.
Dave Mason, Director of Health & Safety at Travis Perkins said: “Thrive supports our Stay Safe H&S strategy. A healthy team creates a safe and energised working environment and already we have seen the impact of hundreds of colleagues talking about their health.
“Engaging every single front line manager has been critical to its success and with the support of my safety team Let’s Get Healthy did briefings 24/7 so everybody feels cared for by Travis Perkins.
“We go into 2018 with great optimism as we use the data and feedback gathered to design an effective programme from January onwards.”
Maria Bourke, Managing Director of Let’s Get Healthy, said: “We have loved every single minute working with the Travis Perkins team. Its commitment to a three-year programme shows the desire to ensure their business grows with the health and safety of all colleagues at the forefront of their minds. We have had such high participation rates due to the commitment of the safety team and the great relationships with the front line managers – lots of great best practice to share across the group.”