Whilst its important work continues all year round, Christmas is a critical time of year for industry charity, the Rainy Day Trust.
Supporting those in the sector who are in need of assistance and support, whether that be struggling with mental health issues or in financially straightened times, the Rainy Day Trust is especially attuned to the fact that things can be tougher at Christmas.
To support its vital work, the charity relies on donations and fundraising activities. For the festive season, RDT is calling out for industry backing for its current activities and CEO Bryan Clover is highlighting two initiatives in particular.
Bryan said: “Everyone loves a pub quiz! Now you can combine a fun evening for your team and the chance to support your industry charity at Christmas too. As you may know, we send out hampers and food vouchers to our long-term beneficiaries each Christmas to help them through what can be a tough time of year. Sometimes, our contact is all that they will get during the festive period.
“To raise the money that we need to support this vital piece of work, we have a number of fundraising ideas, and this is a newbie for us… We have created a fun 5-round Christmas-themed quiz that you can hold in the office in the run up to Christmas. We’ll give you the questions and answers as well as blank answer sheets for your teams.”
Bryan continued: “Your Quiz Pack is a one-off donation of £40 towards our Christmas Appeal if you’d like it electronically to print at work, or we can post it out to you for a donation of £60 including 2 sets of the questions and 10 answer sheets and 10 pens for your teams. We’ll put your logo on the sheets too. If it helps, we can send you an invoice.”
To order your quiz pack, email Bryan via bryan@rainydaytrust.org.uk. He adds: “And if you want to raise a bit more for us, you could run a raffle too or maybe charge £1 a head to donate to the Charity? It’s entirely up to you.”
The Rainy Day Trust has also been running a Christmas Prize Draw, with some incredible prizes on offer including £1,000 worth of luxury Laura Ashley flooring, a VIP experience at the British Super Bikes and a 4-ball golf day at the wonderful castle Combe Golf Course in Wiltshire.
The draw closes on 15th December at midnight and the prizes will be drawn the next day. To buy your tickets at £2 each you can visit the Prize Draw webpage at Christmas Prize Draw – a Charities crowdfunding project in Bromsgrove by Bryan Clover or email at bryan@rainydaytrust.org.uk for further details.
£10 will buy you 6 tickets, £20 buys 15 tickets and £50 buys 40 tickets.
Acknowledging the support of the RDT’s corporate partners, Bryan finishes by asking: “Can you support our work? Helping people just like you! Working with industry, together we are so much more than the sum of our parts.”