Södra Wood Ltd, formerly Crown Timber, is relocating its UK and Irish operations to a new flagship HQ in the Office Park in Cirencester, Gloucestershire. The move will see more than 40 staff working in an integrated environment dealing with the £120 million sales the UK and Ireland generates.
Simon Henry, Managing Director, said “The new 500 m2 all-on-one-floor layout and networked IT infrastructure will streamline process management, improve communications and support plans for further growth. At the same time, we are taking the opportunity of significantly improving the facilities for staff welfare and creating a much more modern workplace.”
Sales Director Jeremy English comments: “This is an inspirational moment: a world-class business facility that will allow us to respond even more quickly, efficiently and competitively to the UK’s growing timber needs, and in particular to the demand for quality Planed Structural Timber and Engineered Wood for the Roof Truss and Timber Framed Manufacturing sectors and the merchant market.”
Fellow Sales Director, Nigel Buckley-Ryan, concurs: “Many of our customers are now second generation and we value our relationships above all; starting as a family business we retain those critical values and ethics. We are continually hitting the mark on sustainability not simply in terms of the wood we grow and sell which is curated by our 50,000 owner- foresters, but also in terms of business practice. We are aiming to have our production totally fossil-free by 2020 with transportation fossil-free by 2030.”
Jörgen Lindquist is President of the Södra Wood business and visited Cirencester for the opening of the new offices: “The UK is our biggest market and our team is second to none for service, knowledge and support. It is fantastic to see the complete supply chain flourish from planting to finished timber, delivered to customers across the United Kingdom and Ireland.”
For further information, visit: www.sodra.com/wooduk