The independent timber merchant has upgraded to the software from Kerridge Commercial Systems. ...
Nordstrom Timber upgrades to K8
Nordstrom Timber upgrades to K8
BLANCO partners with ArtiCAD software
BLANCO partners with ArtiCAD software
ToolStop highlights growth of online trade
ToolStop highlights growth of online trade
Longwater chooses K8
Longwater chooses K8
Border launches bespoke mobile apps
Border launches bespoke mobile apps
Improvements for Aliaxis with automated fulfilment system
Improvements for Aliaxis with automated fulfilment system
Buildbase stars on screen
Buildbase stars on screen
Selco unveils Project Tool app
Selco unveils Project Tool app
Experience 4D with Flame
Experience 4D with Flame
Take a virtual walk with Aico
Take a virtual walk with Aico