The Independent Builders Merchant Group (IBMG) has announced the latest addition to its growing ProRange ...
IBMG adds to ProRange private-label brand
IBMG adds to ProRange private-label brand
Double win for SAM at STARK UK Supplier Awards
Double win for SAM at STARK UK Supplier Awards
Travis Perkins marks “major timber milestone”
Travis Perkins marks “major timber milestone”
TDUK responds to roofing batten treatment stories
TDUK responds to roofing batten treatment stories
Beesley & Fildes invests in new timber treatment plant
Beesley & Fildes invests in new timber treatment plant
Peter Kershaw takes retirement from NYTimber
Peter Kershaw takes retirement from NYTimber
Arbor Forest Products offers incredible behind the scenes view of 90-acre site in New Holland
Arbor Forest Products offers incredible behind the scenes view of 90-acre site in New Holland
TDUK figures demonstrate ‘signs of recovery’ in timber market
TDUK figures demonstrate ‘signs of recovery’ in timber market
CTI backs Government commitment to expand use of sustainable UK timber
CTI backs Government commitment to expand use of sustainable UK timber
Trade Fabrication Systems acquired by Arclin
Trade Fabrication Systems acquired by Arclin