Acres Consultancy and online merchant Trading Depot are to launch a joint training initiative which aims to provide easily accessible advice and smart solutions via social media platforms.
A series of films will be made and broadcast via Trading Depot’s podcast, Inside The House, which will include interviews with young apprentices and key industry leaders.
Principal Director at Acres Consultancy, Simon Acres says: “We want to make our industry attractive to those who wouldn’t have considered it as an option and help companies understand what make a successful business.”
Trading Depot’s MD Darren House added: “We are delighted to be sharing ideas and working with Acres Consultancy on this exciting initiative. Video is a fantastic medium to relay information and stimulate discussion, as Acres has demonstrated with its successful Industry Legends films.
“We already have a wealth of information on our YouTube channel but are looking forward to supporting the industry and jointly sharing this new material.”
The new films will be launched by both companies later this year.
Image Shows: left to right Trading Depot’s MD Darren House and Principal Director at Acres Consultancy, Simon Acres.
Trading Depot is a sister company to Grant & Stone.