Safety in the storage industry is well within reach when you follow best practice according to SEMA, the Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association.
“Mission Possible” will be this year’s theme at its Annual Safety Conference and Exhibition on Thursday 1 November at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull.
Nine speakers with wide ranging backgrounds will cover issues such as mental health, 21st century leadership, and a real-life case study of a fork lift casualty who had to deal with rehabilitation following amputation.
SEMA’s group structures have been designed to support end users. Simon King, former Chairman of SEMA’s Distributor Group (SDG), will detail how the SDG audit is the only scheme in the UK which assesses the competence of resellers and distributors of storage equipment, offering a timely reminder on multi-million-pound fines for non-H & S compliance.
Alan Worrell of the Association’s Technical Committee will expand on how SEMA’s set of codes for the design, installation, use and inspection of the equipment is upheld by a suite of initiatives, training and qualifications.
Two speakers will also represent the statutory authorities. Terry Mallard from Birmingham City Council will present how Working at Height is still at the top of the national safety agenda. Peter Kelly, Principal Inspector, will discuss the HSE’s priority plans on mental illness, management standards and how to manage to avoid the spectre of this debilitating disease.
Case studies from ASDA and the Malone Group will bring safety challenges to life. Neil Sheehan, who is the Senior Safety Manager for ASDA’s construction and property division, says leaders should never lower their standards. Instead, they need to coach, mentor and facilitate and improve their people. Allan Ridout, Environment, H & S Manager for utility specialists Malone Group will also offer a CDM blueprint for project safety by co-ordinating H & S into the design phase.
Richard Heath, Safety Advisor, Cast Metals Federation will further focus on “men behaving safely”. He will recommend useful structures and approaches to behavioural safety to support front-line staff, such as drivers, production operators or maintenance technicians.
FLTs will then come into sharp focus as Stuart Taylor, MD, Mentor of Mentor FLT Training, shatters the fork-lift “licence” myth. He will explain how to confirm fork-lift operator competence; reducing the risk of accidents while bringing substantial financial benefits.
Lisa Ramos and David Garton will also feature as the health and safety impact speakers. Lisa was involved in a forklift accident, 12 years ago, and because of this, is now an above knee amputee. Their frank and honest account of her rehabilitation, and the long-term every-day struggle will aim to bring home the real reason why safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Chaired by SEMA’s President, Jaap Vos, he said: “SEMA’s 2018 safety conference, Mission Possible, has expanded to include some of the wider challenges faced by today’s managers in the workplace. Given the volume of safety structure and guidance available, there is no excuse for occupational ill health, injury or fatality.”
New products and information will be on display from leading storage suppliers in the break out areas. The event will start at 9.30am, including a buffet lunch, and is priced at £135 plus VAT.
For more information, to exhibit or book a place telephone 0121 6016359 or email enquiry@sema.org.uk.