Graham Plumbers’ Merchant has launched a major new in-store promotion. From the 1st October until the 31st December 2016, installers who purchase a Boiler Replacement Pack in any of the merchant’s branches will receive a scratch card with an eight-digit code.
Installers simply log the code on the website to see if they have won a holiday worth up to £5000 – or from a wide selection of runner-up prizes. Crucially, installers receive a scratch card for every pack purchased – resulting in more chances of winning.
Entrants must be a Graham Cash or Credit Account Holder to automatically receive a scratch card with every purchase of a Boiler Replacement Pack.
There is a wide selection of runner up prizes, which include leisure and experience day vouchers.
Graham’s Boiler Replacement Packs are said to provide all the products needed to fit a replacement boiler – the boiler itself, a horizontal flue, water treatments and a filter, all from market leading brands. The packs ensure installers have everything necessary to ensure their work complies with Part L of the Building Regulations.
To read the full terms and conditions, or to enter a code visit: www.grahampromo.co.uk.