Covers Timber & Builders’ Merchants has agreed to sponsor the 2019 Sussex Heritage Awards making it the fourth consecutive year the company has supported the event.
Organised by the Sussex Heritage Trust, the awards aim to recognise and reward the highest quality conservation, restoration, and well-designed new build projects while encouraging the use of traditional skills and crafts.
Henry Green, Managing Director at Covers, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards once again in 2019. We are keen supporters of the charity and advocates of ensuring that Sussex’s rich building heritage is protected and preserved for future generations to enjoy. We look forward to finding out who all the winners are in July.”
Dr John Godfrey DL, who is Chairman of the Sussex Heritage Trust, added: “The Sussex Heritage Trust is proud to have Covers Timber & Builders Merchants as sponsors of the 2019 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards.
“The awards scheme is now recognised as the most prestigious architectural and conservation programme in East and West Sussex, and Brighton & Hove. The success of the awards is invaluable in supporting the work of the Trust and funds our work to preserve, improve and encourage the appreciation of the architectural and natural landscape of Sussex. We thank Covers for their sponsorship and friendship in supporting the awards scheme and our work.”
The winners of the awards will be announced on Wednesday 3 July by Sussex Heritage Trust’s president, Lord Egremont, during a ceremony to be held at Pangdean Old Barn in Pyecombe.