The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Graham Latty, has visited Pland Stainless in Leeds to mark the start of the company’s Centenary celebrations.
The Lord Mayor toured the factory watching the process of a Stainless Steel kitchen sink being made, with Pland Stainless reportedly the first UK manufacturer to produce this product.
The visit also saw three long service awards being presented to members of staff. David Spencer, Production Operator, has been with the business for 36 years and John Stephenson, Sheet Metal Worker and Jack Priestley, Welder, have both hit 10 years’ service.
Each were awarded a bottle of champagne, those with 10 years’ service received an additional two days holiday this year and David was awarded a voucher for a steak night at Leeds restaurant Miller & Carter.
The company has also announced it has more exciting plans to reveal during the year that will continue the celebrations for its centenary.
For more information, visit www.plandstainless.co.uk.