The Brick Development Association has been advised that its members are temporarily closing their manufacturing sites as a consequence of the coronavirus crisis.
As a result of the Prime Minister’s instruction that only ‘essential’ services be kept open for business, individual brick manufacturers across the UK are responding quickly to ensure manufacturing facilities are temporarily closed in a safe and orderly manner.
Appropriate safeguarding measures, including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and appropriate social and work related distancing protocols, are already in place across UK brick manufacturing facilities.
However, since the manufacture of clay brick cannot be considered an ‘essential’ service, individual manufacturers, the BDA is advised, are beginning to cease production across their respective factories whilst adhering to government guidelines.
As a result, the BDA says it expects “clay brick deliveries to slow down and cease in the same safe and orderly manner.”
Keith Aldis, BDA Chief Executive, commented: “With approximately 400m bricks currently in stock in the UK, the industry has capacity to begin supplying the market again as soon as quarantine restrictions are eased.”
Further updates will be available on the BDA’s website www.brick.org.uk