Face to Face: putting the questions to Building Superstore’s Callum Tasker

Face to Face: putting the questions to Building Superstore’s Callum Tasker

PBM speaks with Callum Tasker, Commercial Director with CMO Group PLC, parent company of Building Superstore.

Building Superstore is the dedicated trade account service for CMO, reputedly the largest “online only builders’ merchant” in the UK. Building Superstore brings together all eight specialist superstores to provide professional trade contractors easy access to over 100,000 different products, from roofing and insulation materials to plumbing, drainage and landscaping solutions, tiles, doors, windows, and bathroom supplies.

Formerly known as CMO Trade, Building Superstore’s extensive product range, strong supply chains and effective ‘drop ship’ model also allows the retailer to support other builders’ merchants, as well as housebuilders and main contractors.

Q: How did you get into the industry and to your current position?

A: I have always worked in the merchant sector and have somehow managed to clock up nearly 16 years! I started out in a general administrative role but soon moved up to sales and logistics.

When I joined CMO in 2010, I looked after operations before being appointed to my current role of Commercial Director. I now oversee the commercial trading performance for all eight specialist superstores, including Building Superstore which is our dedicated trade brand.

Q: How do you feel the industry has changed in recent years?

A: The greater use of digital technology, ecommerce and even social media is shaping the way merchants service their customers both in terms of delivering products and providing support. It’s been an exciting change so far but there’s still lots more that we can do — the digital landscape is evolving all the time.

Our trade customers are becoming more digitally savvy which means that merchants who aren’t investing in their digital presence now will soon find themselves falling behind.

Even as an online-only retailer, we don’t feel immune to this challenge and in such a fast-paced and constantly evolving arena, it’s important to always push forward to not only meet our customers’ expectations of service but to exceed them.

“Sustainability is very important to us as a business, and I think we’re going to see some real change in the merchant sector over the next few years because customers will demand it.”

Q: What are the current challenges facing your company?

A: I think any company that serves the building and construction industry faces similar challenges. Global pressures such as material shortages and prices increases can still be felt, and the cost of living crisis has affected both trade contractors and the DIY market that we serve via our other superstores.

Q: How important is the issue of sustainability becoming to the merchant sector?

A: Sustainability is very important to us as a business, and I think we’re going to see some real change in the merchant sector over the next few years because customers will demand it.

Many manufacturers are already making huge leaps in improving the sustainability of their products in how they are made, used, and disposed of. As merchants, we also have an important role to play in reducing embedded carbon in transportation and packaging.

Above all, we need to make the whole process easier for customers so they can make more informed choices. This is an area that we are currently investing in so that we can add more detailed environmental information to our online product pages.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge so far?

A: Like many, I would have to say lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic but although they were dark days, I am immensely proud of how we responded to this challenge. Unlike other merchants, we already had a strong digital presence and we were able to quickly get our team members set up for home working without any real disruption.

The wellbeing our colleagues and the desire to support our customers in those difficult times was our prime focus and I’m proud of the way we managed the situation and the lessons we were able to learn from it.

Q: Which individual has influenced you most in your career?

A: I admire the entrepreneurial spirit and we have it in spades here! Both my father and uncle are founding members of the company and to see first hand how CMO, Building Superstore and the other superstores have grown and developed has been both inspirational and insightful.

A version of this feature appeared in the May edition of PBM. Click here to read the full issue in digital format via the magazine’s website.

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